The Career Development Office holds a meeting with GIZ representatives

The Career Development Office holds a meeting with GIZ representatives

Career Development Officer at the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, Mrs. FreskinaMula accompanied by Prof. Ass. Dr. Laura Naka, Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality Enhancement and Mrs. Arnisa Jaka, Leader of the NGO ALUMNI, received in a meeting the representatives of GIZ, Mr. Ramadan Islamin, Migration Development Program Coordinator and Mr. Nexhmedin Basha, Reintegration Advisor, within DIMAK.

In this meeting, GIZ representatives discussed about the support they provide for the career development offices of public universities and the activities that will be carried out in cooperation with the Office for Career Development.

The meeting was quite productive and in the future the joint plans of the KDP and GIZ are expected to materialize.


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