Date 24.09.2020 marked the first day of the workshop of the University of Gjakova held in Boga

Date 24.09.2020 marked the first day of the workshop of the University of Gjakova held in Boga


On 24.09.2020 was held the first preceding day of the three planned days of the workshop of the University of Gjakova for the notification of new staff. The workshop is being held at Hotel Magra Austria, Boge Rugova.

Rector Prof. Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani with a welcoming speech greeted the attendees and introduced the new staff wishing successful cooperation and prosperity.

The first session was moderated by the Dean of FE Ilir Kelmendi and Rector Nimani presented "Methodology and two-day agenda QDPM", then Arianit Bytyqi presented the work on "SMU and anti-plagiarism (practical application)" to continue with the presentation of the Vice Rector for Affairs Academic and Quality Enhancement Prof. Ass. Dr. Vjollca Dibra "Teaching and quality improvement at the university", the works were concluded by the Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Scientific Research Prof. Assoc. Dr. Lulzim Zeneli on the topic "Scientific Research" and Vice Rector for Budget, Finance and Infrastructure Prof. Assoc. Dr., Haxhi Kamberi with "Budget and financial support".

The first day of the workshop ended with debates and a summary of the day to give way to the activities planned for the second day.

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