Today, first day of the workshop "Training workshop on teaching methodologies" was conducted

Today, first day of the workshop "Training workshop on teaching methodologies" was conducted

Today, the first day of the workshop "Training workshop on teaching methodologies" was conducted and there will be preceding three days planned to be held. The workshop conducted within the Erasmus + project called "DRIVE- Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo."

The workshop started according to the agenda at 9:00 and participants are teachers from: POLIS University; European University of Tirana; Polytechnic University of Tirana; University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina"; University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani"; Universum College; while online with their advice are partners from EU universities: Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy; University of Aalborg, Denmark. Online sessions are being conducted by the last mentioned in an interactive from by both parties.

Daily agenda ends at 16:30.

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