University of Gjakova, example for qualitative study

University of Gjakova, example for qualitative study

The liveliness that comes from the works, projects and practical work of the students of the University of Gjakova, makes the reading rooms, libraries and even the halls of all facilities to be overcrowded with students of all faculties, who are an added asset for this institution.

The demands of students to learn throughout the day are great, which proves that in this institution teaching and study does not end with the end of lecture hours.

However, students are not the only ones engaged all the time, along with them remain their professors, who are open and able to help and advise them at all times.

Therefore, the union of students eager for knowledge, trained and communicative professors and the modern conditions possessed by the University of Gjakova, represent the result that we have today, hundreds of young graduates  maximally prepared for the labor market, who are serving as the best ambassadors for promoting the quality of UGJFA.

