University of Gjakova signs the memorandum of cooperation with NGO "Safe House" - Gjakova

University of Gjakova signs the memorandum of cooperation with NGO "Safe House" - Gjakova

Rector of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", Prof. Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani signed a memorandum of cooperation with Mrs. Erblina Dinarama, Executive Director of the NGO "Safe House" - Gjakova.

This memorandum aims further development of studies and researches in the field of pedagogy, social care and welfare within the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" and beyond; the advancement of social services and the general well-being of sensitive categories of society.

The signatories of the agreement expressed their readiness to provide support for the implementation of activities and joint projects.


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