Rector Nimani attends International Conference "University Cooperation - Industry in Innovation"

Rector Nimani attends International Conference "University Cooperation - Industry in Innovation"

Rector Artan Nimani along with Vice-Rector Vjollca Dibra participated in the International Conference "University Cooperation - Industry in Innovation", organized by UASF (Univeristy of Applied Sciences - Ferizaj) in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, and supported by the Project "Higher Education, Research and Applied Sciences"  (Heras), funded by the Austrian Government.

The purpose of this Conference was to present the existing gaps and to take the necessary measures to strengthen the cooperation between universities and industry in Kosovo.

The topics of the Conference were divided into two sessions, the theme of the first session being: "University-Industry Cooperation and the Role of the University for Employers and Employees of the Future", while the topic of the second session was: "University as a Platform for Development of innovation ”.

The conference was attended by Rectors of the Public Universities of Kosovo, the Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, representatives of non-governmental organizations, business representatives, representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, as well as academic and administrative staff and students of UASF.

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