The Post-Doctoral Scholarship Program Momentum MSCA has been opened
The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova is pleased to inform that the call for the Post-Doctoral Scholarship Program Momentum MSCA has been opened. The call is in initiative created to support up to 35 post-doctoral researchers from all around the world to join the research groups ‘’Lendület Momentum -Hungary’’.
Lendület Momentum is a main research program of the Hungarian Science Academy (MTA), which supports the best scientists in the creation of their independent research groups with full autonomy. Initiated in 2009, it has supported more than 225 research groups in different fields, stimulating innovation and scientific discoveries.
The Post-Doctoral Scholarship Program MSCA is co-financed by the European Union and MTA Secretary Office, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in regards to the prestigious grant of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. This 5-year initiative provides non-exemplary opportunities for career advancement and scientific excellence.
Why choose Momentum Programm?
- Different research fields-From Technology and Engineering, Human and Medical Sciences, up to the Natural and Social Sciences, the Post-Doctoral Program Momentum MSCA supports a wide spectre of disciplines within the research groups ‘’Lendület’’.
- International Mobility-Widens your horizons with scholarship and transfer opportunities in the research centres and the most well-known industrial partners in Hungary and internationally.
- Personal and Professional Development-Benefit from an inclusive development package, including surveillance, specialized training, mentoring and opportunity for interdisciplinary workshop and networking events in order to increase your skills and employment opportunities, in academia as well as outside it.
- Competitive Funding-Benefit from a monthly bruto wage from 3,522, along with mobility aids, family and displacement, based on the admission criteria.
- Safe and accessible Environment-Hungary is known for a welcoming environment, with priority in public security and affordable life cost. It is a favourable destination for the researchers and their families who seek a comfortable and rich experience.
Duration of the program: January 2025 – December 2029
Scholarship duration: Up to 36 months, including short obligatory mobility periods (1-3 months).
The program is coordinated by the Scholarship Office PPDF Momentum in the Department of Grant Management, near the Secretary of MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The first call for applications is opened on April 2, 2025.
For more details and application instructions, please refer to the attached brochure and visit the link:
🔗 https://momentummsca.mta.hu