The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Participates in the Third phase of Dissemination of the Results of the STAND Project - Presentation of the final Financial Reports

The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Participates in the Third phase of Dissemination of the Results of the STAND Project - Presentation of the final Financial Reports

The STAND project - Strengthening university autonomy and increasing the accountability and transparency of Western Balkan universities, on 17.05.2024 at "Ukshin Hoti" University, Prizren, presented the results achieved during the three years of implementation of this project in Kosovo.

The University "Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, as a project partner, was represented by the vice-rector for International Relations and Projects, Nazli Tyfekçi, and the General Secretary, Linda Dula Halilabazi, and by the Head of the Budget and Finance Division, Rina Rudi Xhiha.

The main purpose of this activity was to present the project beyond the project partners, focusing on the main objective related to university autonomy.

The completed work of the external experts and other steps in progress were presented in the presence of the staff and other partners from Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro by Prof. Asst. Bujar Gallopeni Vice-rector at IBC-M.

The meeting aimed to focus on five main issues: organizational, governance, financial, academic and staff/personnel autonomy.

In the end, the meeting was concluded with the financial reporting of all partners and the discussion on the objectives achieved so far.

The STAND project - Strengthening university autonomy and increasing the accountability and transparency of Western Balkan universities, on 17.05.2024 at "Ukshin Hoti" University Prizren, presented the results achieved during the three years of implementation of this project in Kosovo.

The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, as a project partner, was represented by the vice-rector for International Relations and Projects, Nazli Tyfekçi, and the General Secretary, Linda Dula Halilabazi, and by the Head of the Budget and Finance Division, Rina Rudi Xhiha.

The main purpose of this activity was to present the project beyond the project partners, focusing on the main objective related to university autonomy.

The completed work of the external experts and other steps in progress were presented in the presence of the staff and other partners from Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro by Prof. Asst. Bujar Gallopeni Vice Chancellor at IBC-M.

The meeting aimed to focus on five main issues: organizational, governing, financial, academic and staff/personnel autonomy.

In the end, the meeting was concluded with the financial reporting of all partners and the discussion on the objectives achieved so far.

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