The Steering Council (SC) meeting was held in the University of " Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova

The Steering Council (SC) meeting was held in the University of " Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova

The Steering Council (SC) of the "Fehmi Agani" University in Gjakova (UFAGJ), on Friday 15.12.2023, held its next meeting, where 8 points of the agenda were reviewed.

After the approval of the minutes from the last meeting, the Steering Council of the UFAGJ discussed the formation of the working group for the review of the strategic plan of the University every three months, as well as the formation of the working group for the drafting of the strategic plan of the University for the period 2025 -2029.

Then, Rector Bunjaku and General Secretary Mrs. Halilabazi - Dula have informed SC regarding the notice of cancellation of the award of the contract for the construction of the Campus. Hereinafter it was also discussed about the drafting of a plan to realize the payments of the UFAGJ personnel according to the collective contract.

In conclusion, the decisions of the proposal of the Council for Science and the requests and complaints addressed to the Steering Council, as well as information and other materials in function of the smooth running of the activity of the "Fehmi Agani" University in Gjakovë, were reviewed.

The leader of the SC, Mrs. Haxhikadrija - Ramadani, thanked the members for their participation and for the contribution they are always making for the well-being of the university.

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