Medicine Faculty's students visited Trakya University, Edirne

Medicine Faculty's students visited Trakya University, Edirne

The RSUGJ Student Organization, in cooperation with the KSFM, organized a few day trip to Turkey for the students of the UGJFA Medical Faculty, where they visited the Trakya Universtiy in Edirne, the "Trakya Universitesi Tip Faculty Hastanesi" hospital, the state hospital in Edirne, the Museum of Health and many historical, cultural and religious sites of interest.

At the University the students were welcomed by the Officer for Relations Prof. Dr. Murat Turkyilmaz, who organized the meeting with the Rector Prof. Erhan Tabakoglu, with whom, after exchanging symbolic gifts on behalf of Rector Buza, talks were focused on topics related to students and further cooperation between the two universities.

During the visits at the Edirne University Hospital, students for the activities at the Neurosurgery Clinic were informed by Prof. Seer Uner; the work and the equipment manipulation in the Radiotherapy Department explained Prof.dr. Cem Uzal; a lecture was delivered by Prof.dr. Volkan Yuksel at the Department of Cardiac Surgery; while in the Nephrology Department spoke Prof. dr.Sedat Ustundag.

An extraordinary meeting and reception for the students was made by the Director of Edirne Health Dr.Ali Cengiz Kalkan at Edirne State Hospital!

The students appreciated the visit as an important experience to gain new insights and evaluated as open doors for further cooperation between the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" and the University of Edirne "Trakya University".

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