Rector Nimani receives KUSA representatives - Kosovo United States Alumni

Rector Nimani receives KUSA representatives - Kosovo United States Alumni

Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, prof. ass. dr. Artan Nimani, accompanied by prof. ass. dr. Laura Naka, Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality Enhancement met the representatives of KUSA - Kosov oUnited States Alumni (United States Alumni in Kosovo).

At the meeting, Rector Nimani informed them about the progress of work at the University, the requirements and the need for cooperation with strategic partners for the development of UFAG.

KUSA representatives informed in detail Rector Nimani about the competition of the University Embassy Grants Support Program 2021/22. The purpose of the meeting is to better understand the needs of the university and the types of projects that would positively affect HEIs.

The University Support Grants Program is an annual grant program that aims to support higher education in Kosovo in supporting HEIs to better address the challenges of social and economic development through research, development and expansion services.

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