A virtual meeting is held with the representatives of the NGO OPTIMA

A virtual meeting is held with the representatives of the NGO OPTIMA

On Tuesday, Prof. Ass. Dr. Laura Naka - Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality Enhancement, Head of the Office for Quality Assurance, Mr. Daut Islami and Prof. Assoc. Dr. Dardan Koçinaj held a virtual meeting with representatives of the NGO OPTIMA, Dr. SharonHart and Mr. Qendrim Lluka - Executive Director, for the continuation of the project - Development of a Comprehensive System for the Evaluation of Academic Staff.

In this module was presented the identification and definition of roles in which the academic staff is expected as part of their professional responsibilities, the definition of the role of models of academic staff and the definition of values ​​and parameters.

The objective of this module is for each department to identify and define staff roles in the department, obtaining a list of current activities in which academic staff engage to pursue their professional responsibilities. In this step, the academic staff can usually easily identify the activities which, for them, define the traditional roles of teaching, scientific and creative activities, service and administration or management.

The project aims at a comprehensive system of evaluation of academic staff, which is based on systematic observation (measurement) of the relevant performance of academic staff, to determine the degree to which that performance is consistent with the values ​​of the academic unit (faculty, division, department , etc.), which will last up to two years.

At the end of the meeting were discussed the other main activities that will take place in the coming months.

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