Rector Nimani participates in the promotion of the book "Arism in fragile democracy", author Bardhyl Musai

Rector Nimani participates in the promotion of the book "Arism in fragile democracy", author Bardhyl Musai

In the Palace of Culture "Asim Vokshi", at the invitation of the Association of Intellectuals "Jakova", the rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, prof. ass. dr. Artan Nimani, accompanied by prof. ass. dr. Laura Naka, Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality Enhancement, participated in the promotion of the book "Education in a fragile democracy", author Bardhyl Musai.

The book "Education in a fragile democracy" by prof. dr. Bardhyl Musai is a summary of his progress and experience in the field of education. The book covers all dimensions of education over the decades and its perspective; data, statistics, expectations, successes, challenges, failures, progress, regression, pleasant and bitter truths.

Asked what education is like today, the author Musai stated that the problems are many and the most important according to him is that nowadays we should leave the reproduction of textbooks to give way to the development of thought and skills in so that future generations will be able to cope with the changes that society brings.

The book "Education in a fragile democracy" will serve more than anyone educational institutions ranging from the ministry of education to local education offices, schools, teachers, students or even parents to understand what has happened in these 30 years and how the Albanian education system should be changed in order to have a positive development in the future.

In the end, Rector Nimani and Vice Rector Naka thanked the Association of Intellectuals "Jakova" for the invitation, and accepted the book by the author Musai.

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