"Fehmi Agani" University and "Little Miracles" Kindergarten sign cooperation agreements

"Fehmi Agani" University and "Little Miracles" Kindergarten sign cooperation agreements

"Fehmi Agani" University in Gjakova, represented by the rector Prof. Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani and Mrs. Elda Këpuska from the “Little Miracles” Kindergarten in Gjakova, signed a cooperation agreement in the spirit of developing an education as close as possible to the labor market.

The purpose of this agreement is the development of practical training, the connection of theoretical learning with practical work, the development of diploma topics in the "Little Miracles" Kindergarten; as well as provides for the possibility of hiring distinguished candidates during the practical work.

The parties praised the achievement of this agreement, emphasizing that they will go in the function of achieving the objectives for concrete cooperation.

