The meeting of the Steering Council of the University of Gjakova is held

The meeting of the Steering Council of the University of Gjakova is held

Today, on July 17, 2020, the Steering Council of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" held its next meeting.

During the meeting, the Steering Council discussed the agenda: approval of the records from the previous meeting, information concerning meetings and developments at the University, the review of requests to the Steering Council and various issues.

In this meeting the Draft Statute of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" was approved and its  hoped that on October 1 of this year, to start with the new statute.

The members of the Steering Council discussed and reviewed the agenda and other issues, which were approved unanimously.

KD of UGJFA is committed in taking important decisions for the University
