The meeting of the Senate of the University of Gjakova is held

The meeting of the Senate of the University of Gjakova is held

Today, on July 17, 2020, the Senate of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" held its next meeting.

In this meeting, Senate discussed the agenda as follow: approval of the records from the previous meeting, the end of the academic year, review and proposal for announcing the vacancies for academic staff, review of the application for the title "Doctor Honoris Causa "for The US Congressman, Mr. Thomas Peter ‘Tom’ ​​Lantos, review of annual leave for staff of administration, review of requests and complaints, and other issues. Meanwhile, two members of the Senate attended the meeting in virtual form.

The members of the Senate reviewed and discussed the agenda and other issues, which in accordance and unanimously approved them.

 The UGJFA Senate is committed in taking decisions on general strategic issues of importance, for the University.

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