Announcement on Course and winter Semester registration for the Academic year 2024/2025

Announcement on Course and winter Semester registration for the Academic year 2024/2025

We inform all Bachelor and Master students that all courses have been carried down at the SMU system and they may be registered for the winter semester of the corresponding Professor.
Registration deadline:

Students have to register the courses in SMU before they continue with the registration of the semester. According to the MESTI guide, 09/2021, students who register the semester for the first time are freed from payment, while those who register it for the second time and more, they have to pay the following
 25E for Bachelor level
 150E for Master level
The registration of the semester will be done at the students’ service office in the corresponding faculties.

To aid the process of registration, you may download the manual of usage of SMU for students in this link

Ju lutemi që të respektoni afatet e caktuara!

Vendimi i Senatit mbi kushtet e regjistrimit të semestrit 


