Erasmus + Office in Kosovo praises the University "Fehmi Agani" in the monitoring visit for the STAND project

Erasmus + Office in Kosovo praises the University "Fehmi Agani" in the monitoring visit for the STAND project

Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, prof. ass. dr. Artan Nimani, accompanied by the Head of the Office for Foreign Relations, Mr. Denis Spahija and his collaborator Mrs. Rolanda Mula received in a monitoring visit the Coordinator of the Eramsus + Office in Kosovo, Mrs. Jehona Lushaku and the official Mrs. Purchased Zjaça.

In this meeting were discussed the achievements in the project and the difficulties that have been presented up to this stage.

The Erasmus + Office in Kosovo commended the UFAG for their work and commitment, while reviewing the collaborations under the Erasmus + program, the challenges and experiences within these collaborations.

The STAND project is coordinated by the IBCM College in Mitrovica, it is about autonomy in universities, financial aspect, academic aspect, academic and administrative staff as well as other important aspects for universities.


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